S p a c e L e a r n i n g s apprentissage de l'espace [learning French these days :)]
For latest, please visit my space blog: https://ramgupta.blogspot.com
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Disclaimer:This is compilation of knowledge author has collected from various books and web sources and may not be factually correct. Author does not claim details mentioned in this site to be factually correct. Please refer other credible sources before trusting details presented in this website. This website is for educational purposes only.
References: -Images linked in this web site are taken from nasa.gov as per guidelines defined here. -Image at top-right is contributed by my little sister Purvi Knowldge on astronomy has been collected from following sources: -wikipedia.org -nasa.gov -space related documentaries on netflix.com -space related videos on youtube.com -science section in khanacademy.org -science section in brainpop.com Contact info: You can reach me on my email: All trademarks displayed on this web site are the exclusive property of the respective holders. |