Astronomy - Space Learnings

S p a c e L e a r n i n g s apprentissage de l'espace [learning French these days :)]

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Hi, my name is Ram Gupta and I am 11 yrs old. I compiled contents of this web site during summer (year - 2016) vacation I had after completion of my 5th grade at Littleton Elementary School, NJ, USA. I want to tell why I created this website. I have lots of interest in astronomy because of how cool, awesome, and mysterious it is. When I grow up I want to work in N.A.S.A . I want to express my love of astronomy out to the world. I learned much more about astronomy, quantum physics, and also English. This gave me an inspiration about life that anybody can do anything in life. This is why I created this website with the help of my parents.

Image by Ram's Sister
  1. Chapter - 1: The Universe
    1. Introduction
    2. How The Universe Started
    3. How Will The Universe End
    4. Universe Properties
      1. Shape
      2. Size And Regions
      3. Age And Expansion
      4. Spacetime
    5. Conclusion
  2. Chapter - 2: Solar System
    1. History
    2. The Sun
    3. Mercury
    4. Venus
    5. Mars
    6. Jupiter
    7. Saturn
    8. Uranus
    9. Neptune
    10. Planet 9
    11. Dwarf Planets
    12. Earth
      1. History
      2. Life
      3. Climate
      4. Human Activity
    13. Conclusion
  3. Chapter - 3: Galaxies
    1. Types of Galaxies
      1. Barred Spiral Galaxies
      2. Spiral Galaxies
      3. Elliptical Galaxy
      4. Irregular Galaxy
        1. Types of irregular galaxies
          1. Irr-I
          2. Irr- II
    2. Other Morphologies
      1. Peculiar Galaxies
      2. Lenticular Galaxies
      3. Ring Galaxy
      4. Ultra Diffuse Galaxy
      5. Dwarf Galaxies
    3. Formation and Evolution
      1. Galactic Collisions
        1. Satellite Interaction
        2. Galaxy Collisions
        3. Galactic Cannibalism
        4. Galaxy Harassment
    4. The Future Of The Milky Way
      1. Center Of The Galaxy
      2. Conclusion
  4. Chapter - 4: Stars
    1. Origin of stars
    2. Classes Of Stars
      1. Brown Dwarf
        1. L type brown dwarfs
        2. T Type Brown Dwarf
        3. Y class Brown Dwarf
      2. M Class Stars
      3. K Class Stars
      4. G Class Stars
      5. F Class Star
      6. A Type Star
      7. B Type Stars
      8. O Type Stars
      9. Wolf Rayet Stars
    3. Neutron Stars and Pulsar
      1. How Neutron Stars / Pulsar Are Formed
      2. Properties Of Neutron / Pulsar Stars
        1. Mass and Temperature
        2. Density and Pressure
        3. Magnetic Field
        4. Gravity
        5. Structure
        6. Radiation
        7. Rotation
        8. Glitches And Stellar quakes
        9. Binary
    4. Conclusion
  5. Chapter - 5: Quasars / Blazars
    1. Introduction
    2. Quasars
    3. Blazar
    4. Conclusion
  6. Chapter - 6: Black Holes
    1. Introduction
    2. Types Of Black Holes
    3. How Black Holes Form
    4. How Do Black Holes Die
    5. Binary Black Holes
    6. Conclusion
  7. Chapter - 7: The Exoplanets
    1. The Hot Jupiters
    2. Puffy Planets
    3. The Terrestrial Planets
    4. Super Neptune
Disclaimer:This is compilation of knowledge author has collected from various books and web sources and may not be factually correct. Author does not claim details mentioned in this site to be factually correct. Please refer other credible sources before trusting details presented in this website. This website is for educational purposes only.
-Images linked in this web site are taken from as per guidelines defined here.
-Image at top-right is contributed by my little sister Purvi
Knowldge on astronomy has been collected from following sources:
-space related documentaries on
-space related videos on
-science section in
-science section in

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